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October 2013

MoH:W, BF4, and CoD:Ghosts 2013-10-23 @ 1:36:42 UTC
    A few updates tonight, starting with a status update of our game server, and two new games approaching their final release.

Part 1:
In preparation for Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghosts, and in consideration of the fading popularity in MoH:W, our Medal of Honor Warfighter game server will be taken off-line.

Part 2:
Battlefield 4 final release is October 29th, 2013, with pre-loading available 24-hours in advance. We look forward to playing with everyone in this game of immense scale.

Part 3:
Call of Duty Ghosts is scheduled for release on November 5th, 2013. Based on the trailers and game footage previews, it looks like Infinity Ward is introducing long-needed changes, dedicated servers being one of them. CoD Ghosts is available for preorder via Steam; we'll see you in-game. :D

New Game: Battlefield 4 2013-10-4 @ 15:17:36 UTC
    Halloween is quickly approaching and so is the Battlefield 4 (PC) release date of November 1st, 2013. The game is presently in Open Beta so anyone can create an Origin account to download and play BF4; this testing period lasts until October 15th, 2013.

EA updated their BattleLog service accompanying BF4; be sure to check out the improvements there as well. BattleLog / Battlefield 4


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