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November 2003

Public Server Moving 2003-11-24 @ 1:03:45 UTC
    Within the next few days our public server will be moving. The IP address will change to and as always the domain will point to the new IP address and keep working. It will still be on a Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz machine. It's being put on a brand new dedicated server that has much smaller load than the current one. If anyone notices any lag at 12am, 6am, and 12pm (Central Time) let me know; this is when PsychoStats updates the server stats. As always if you like the server and wish to help keep it online we do sell admin access on it. Check the Servers page for more information on that.

New IP:
Old IP:

Right now both are up to give you some time to update your server favorites.

Fall LAN Party 2003-11-16 @ 5:06:44 UTC
    That's right, next weekend we're having a LAN party! It'll begin Friday, November 21st, and last 18 hours. The cost is $4 per person. Located in the BearCreek area off of HWY 6 North about 8 minutes from I-10. If you know you can come please contact Rooter with the number of people and computers you'll be bringing.

Large area map (Zoomed Out)
Small area map (Zoomed In)

Ways of contacting Rooter/Donald:
AIM: RootWebGod -/- ICQ: 37388217 -/- MSN: RWebGod<AT>
Yahoo: RootWebGod -/- GamesNET IRC: #TRU -/- E-mail: lanparty<AT>

P.S. Make sure to bring your own cable to plug into the network, we have a limited number for people without them.


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