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October 2006

What we're all about! Pirate rap? Not quite. 2006-10-17 @ 7:57:18 UTC
    I hate to let (what I think is) a great description go to waste; someone recently inquired what we're all about and I would just like to share that with anyone else that may be curious. :)

Here is our latest and greatest Super-Spiffy-Rad "official" clan description of what we really are ...all about:

In an excerpt from a previous news post that I think is a great description to start with, "[TRU] is a multi-game clan and does not discourage against any games that a member wishes to play." With that in mind, I love keeping up a positive atmosphere without a great deal of rules and restrictions, and when people start to get ticked-off, then we try our best to find some humor in the situation. When expanding our clan into a "new" game, I look for mature leadership that doesn't quit at the drop of a hat and stays in it for the long-haul, especially when dealing with the occasional younger gamers or a personal disagreement comes into play. When a more serious disagreement is at hand, it should be discussed between the leaders and each involved member, first one at a time, then together in a group if appropriate. I work hard to encourage an open and truthful environment; for example, when a member cheats, to have them own up to it (even if it takes time), and at the very least to not cheat when other players have not agreed to be a part of it or the server admin clearly restricts it. League play is optional and purely up to any members wishing to participate and help organize it, but in the past we usually avoided them altogether in favor of playing on public servers, in self-organized scrimmages, and free-for-alls; although, I understand MMORPGs can and do sometimes require larger group interaction which is perfectly fine as well. :)

I hope this thoroughly answers any questions you guys and gals may have; if in doubt, feel free to let us know.

Arrrrghy blarrrrgh!
Donald (aka [TRU]Rooter)
/me sporting a softened pirate mood. ;)

P.S. Are we all about pirates? No, but that may apply to me rather well; LOL.

Spiffy-Rad and Super-Spiffy-Rad are trademarks of Spiffy-Rad Co.


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