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December 2003

Game Server Vote Access 2003-12-27 @ 9:07:43 UTC
    Any member wishing to have vote access on the game server can have it free of charge. To get it all you must do is send an e-mail to gsadmin<AT> including your Name and SteamID in the letter. It will be setup within 24 to 48 hours upon receiving the request. After it's setup you'll be given the vote privilege automatically when you join the server, there is no manual login necessary.

P.S. You can find your SteamID by pressing '~' to open the HL console and then typing 'status' for list of players on the server.

Banning Cheaters! 2003-12-24 @ 9:45:18 UTC
    Whether you have ban access or not you *can* be rid of cheaters. To request a ban for a suspected cheater, just gather some form of proof that a player was in fact cheating and e-mail it with a brief description to gsadmin<AT> and please be sure to include the suspects name and SteamID. You can find the SteamID by pressing '~' to open the HL console and then typing 'status' for list of players on the server. Please send either screenshots in JPEG or PNG format and/or a CS demo. Screenshots are easiest to catch wallhackers especially with our death info plugin that shows a line for the path that the bullet took to kill you. Demo's will be more useful in catching aimbot users and wallhackers as well. Since the Thanksgiving Steam update, HLGuard was not working *until now* so wallhackers were quite prevalent during that time. We appreciate all the help you may have to give. Thank you! :)

P.S. If you were ever mistakenly banned from ALL Steam servers by Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) you can proclaim your innocence here:

Private Server Going Going Gone 2003-12-1 @ 1:33:13 UTC
    Since hardly anyone wanted to compete in a league or scrim the private server is gone. You can thank [TRU]Tru2One for making it go away. We never even got SSH access on it, and we couldn't add/edit/remove all the files on it. [TRU]Tru2One never got 1310 Gaming to fix the file permissions...a simple 'CHOWN username' would have fixed the problem right away. CHOWN is a command to change ownership...which would have been nice because somehow the files were not "owned" by the username setup for us from 1310 Gaming.

If anyone's looking for quality servers with great service, check out our primary sponsor TRU Networks at


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